We all have a love hate relationship with Instagram. But either way we know its a great free tool to get your business out there. So how can we put the joy back into using it?

Shifting your mindset

Sometimes you have to change your perception of things and shift your mindset. You're a creative, so I know you love a good mood board, who doesn't? So why not try seeing your grid as a mood board! (I know, how simple was that!). No but seriously, sometimes making something enjoyable can be as simple as finding joy in the process and make that the part you look forward to. For me, I take great satisfaction in how my grid looks and creating imagery I love to share with you lovely lot.
As for the bits we aren't great at or struggle with, we have to work a little at that. Like updating the books or filing! Nobody enjoys these things, but we know it has a vital role in making our business successful.
Get the look
Apply your creative eye to make your grid look cohesive. As a guide, I try to ensure all my images have a white background or white space of some kind. This immediately helps my feed look lighter and more engaging. It also allows me to add colour without bombarding my audience. I thought it would be cruel to choose someones insta feed, but I asked my mum and she was happy to help. She uses Instagram just as somewhere to share and save her photography, instead of it staying on her memory card and never seeing the light of day! It's a beautiful collection of images, but it clearly makes my point to give you an idea of using white space.

Another important step is to be really clear on your brands design aesthetics. Have in mind the look and feel you want to present your business. Everything you produce and put out into the world should ooze your Brand. A great place to start, if this is something you are struggling with (or if you are thinking “what on earth are you talking about Lauren!”) is my Free Branding guide.
Showing up
"I want it to look perfect, so I'm not posting anything till I have the perfect images..." Sound familiar? We are always growing & learning, that's how we elevate our business. But if we don't try, test, create, do the work we can't evolve, learn and ultimately achieve our goals. So just start!
If you really are still stuck and just wish you had some lovely images, then stock images can be useful. The most important thing to remember is only invest in stock imagery if it suits your brand and compliments your other imagery. And to make the most of your invest by using the images across all platforms. Generally, stock images are a great time saver and come in handy if you are planning a seasonal offer or writing a blog or perhaps taking a break. Below are a collection of my Off The Peg bundles, which are great if you are planning a trip or know you will be out of office. As you can see each collection compliments the other, so if you invest in one and you want to come back for more, you can ensure your imagery will always be cohesive.

Post Like a Pro
Being consistent is key! I use the App, Planoly, to help me plan my posts. It helps me to visually check the next few images I plan to post, continuing to keep my grid looking cohesive. I also write all my posts in the App to, just to help me the plan to topics I'd like to share and how to then pair them with images I have. I don't take full advantage of the app, but that is because I still want to feel connected to my community. I find scheduling can take the real life element from sharing. Plus sometimes I want to document something which is happening in real time or relevant to what is going on in the world. So using the App as a guide, just helps me to retain my cohesive look whilst still engaging naturally.

You can also claim 50% off one month or 10% off the early plan if you sign up via my link HERE
I do hope this blog has helped and given you a little insight into how I navigate the grid. If there is more you would love to know, please get in touch. These resources are to serve you, so knowing what would benefit you is so important to grow this Wellie Room into a great place to fill your boots!